Protect products (Multiplayer) – English




If you are using our products on the FiveM Multiplayer server, we kindly ask and recommend putting them in cfx’s keymaster yourself to get them escrow protected. You are responsible for ensuring that the products do not spread, which is why we recommend protecting your purchased products this way! If you have not protected the cars, an outsider can get them from the server without accessing the server itself.

You can only upload the car’s Multiplayer server ready files to the keymaster.

Instructions for uploading a car to the Keymaster service:

  1. Login to:
  2. Go to “Created Assets” tab and click “Create New Asset”

3. Give the asset name and upload the car to the service by clicking “Select File”. (select the .zip file downloaded from

4. Click “Upload” and the product will be uploaded to keymaster for processing (for protecting).

5. After a while the product appears to the “Granted Assets” tab and you can download it from there to your server.

Please note that sharing products to others through keymaster is still prohibited.


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